Working with Codes

There are three things you can do to alter existing coding in Transana. You can edit existing codes, you can merge codes, and you can delete codes.

Editing Keywords

You can edit a Keyword at any time to alter the coding that Keyword provides..

To edit the Keyword, simply right-click (ctrl-click on macOS) the Keyword in the Database Tree and choose Keyword Properties from the popup menu. Transana will display the Keyword Properties form. You can alter any aspect of the Keyword definition you want to.

Transana will update all coding references to reflet teh changes you made to teh Keyword definition.

Merging Keywords

Transana gives you the capacity to merge two keywords together. This is helpful when you determine that you have ended up with two different Keywords for the same concept.

To merge two keywords, simply rename one of them to match the name of the other. Transana will recognize this as a request to merge the two Keywords.

Deleting Keywords

If you delete a Keyword in Transana, the program will remove all references to that Keyword permanently.

To delete a Keyword in Transana, simply right-click (ctrl-click on macOS) the Keyword in the Database Tree.