Keyword Maps

Keyword Maps are graphical reports about selections from text and media data. When created for Episodes, Keyword Maps display coding across the time-line of the media file(s). When requested for Documents, they display coding for selections from the beginning to the end of the Document. It is not possible to create Keyword Maps for PDF files, as PDF data does not have a meaningful beginning – middle – end sequence.

Keyword Maps for Collections create an artificial time line and display information for Clips and Snapshots where possible. They are sometimes useful for showing relationships between Codes, but must be interpreted carefully because of the probably lack of a meaningful time-line.

Keyword Maps

Transana’s Keyword Maps are graphical versions of some of Transana’s Text-based Reports. They graph coding in selections across the length (characters for text, time for media data) of source data files. The Keyword Maps are extremely flexible, and sometimes benefit from custom configuration to make a particular analytic point more effectively.

Note that PDF Documents are not included in Keyword Maps because PDFs do not have the concept of an ordered position. Still images are only represented in Keyword Maps if they are affiliated with a particular location in an Episode

Types of Keyword Maps

Source Keyword Maps (Document, Episode)

The Document and Episode Keyword Maps provide information about how a particular source data file was used in your analysis.

  • The Document Keyword Map shows Quotes created from a particular source Document, regardless of where those Quotes are used in your analysis. Keywords are mapped across their character positions in the text.
  • The Episode Keyword Map shows information about the coding of Clips created from the selected Episode and about the Snapshots that are associated with a position in the Episode, regardless of where those selections are used in the analysis.

Analysis Keyword Maps (Collections)

The Collection Keyword Map shows only Clips from the selected Collection, regardless of their origin. It creates an artificial timeline, and it is up to the researcher to determine if this time line is analytically meaningful.

Clicking a bar in a Keyword Map causes Transana to load the data underlying that bar in the main interface.

  • Left-clicking a bar closes the Keyword Map and displays the underlying data selection.
  • Right-clicking a bar leaves the Keyword Map open and loads the underlying data selection in Transana’s main interface in the background.
  • Holding down Ctrl on Windows or Cmd on macOS while clicking a bar loads the source data for the selection representing the bar in the Keyword Map, highlighting the context of that bar in the Map.

The Filter Dialog and Report Settings

Transana’s reports are extremely flexible. You can customize the text reports to meet your specific analytic needs using the Filter Dialog, which is accessible by the left-most button in the Report toolbar. The contents of the Filter Dialog and the options it offers depend upon the type and contents of the associated report.

One use for the Filter Dialog is to configure the contents of the report. With Keyword Maps, it is often most useful to limit the Keywords included in the report, as well as to customize the order and color of keywords. It can also improve the appearance of Keyword Maps to eliminate duplicate clips or quotes during display.

Filters can be saved, creating Filter Configurations, and these Filter Configurations can later be reloaded. These Filter Configurations might be used to represent a particular theoretical view of your data which you may wish to re-apply after further data analysis.