Code a Graphical Element in a PDF (Create PDF Quick Snapshots)

The following video demonstrates how to code a graphical element of a PDF, that is, how to create a PDF Quick Snapshot.

Code a Graphical Element in a PDF Document

This tutorial page describes how to select and code a graphical section from a PDF Document, also known as creating a PDF Quick Snapshot.

PDF Quick Snapshots capture graphics and other visual element from a PDF Document, unlike a PDF Quote which captures text from the PDF.

To the right, we see a page from a PDF Document. We can see that several parts of the PDF have already been coded.

We want to code the CDC Sponsor Logo on this PDF page. To start this process, we need to change the mode from Review to Code Image. Then we need to use a combination of zooming, resizing, and repositioning to frame the logo we want to code in the PDF Window.

Once our selection is satisfactorily framed, we double-click the desired Keyword in the Data Window to trigger creation of the PDF Quick Snapshot.

Transana will create a Quick Quotes and Clips Collection if it does not already exist. It will automatically select the Rectangle shape tool to match the boundary of the PDF Document shown in the PDF Window, and will select color, line width, and line style from the selected Keyword’s definition if those values are defined. Then it will create the automatically -named PDF Quick Snapshot.

Now press the Restore Last Save button in the PDF Window Toolbar to show your while PDF page, including your newly coded selection.

Analytic Memos

It’s now a good idea to create more analytic memos. No action in Transana should be considered finished until you have written about it in an analytic memo.

Right-click (Ctrl-click on macOS) the PDF Snapshot you just created and choose Add Snapshot Note from the popup menu. Name the new Note and enter your initials as NoteTaker. Press OK.

Press Ctrl-T on Windows or Cmd-T on macOS to insert a date-time stamp in the note. It’s usually a good idea to record information about why you made the exact selection you did and why you chose the coding you did, as well as how this Snapshot fits into the larger study.  When you are done, close the Snapshot Note.