Code an Existing Clip

There are many options for working with the coding of existing data items. You can alter their coding and add Codes to multiple selections, for example.

Code an Existing Clip

Because coding is such a central analytic activity, Transana provides several ways to add or edit coding to your data at any time.

It is likely that you will want to add new Keywords to existing Clips as you move through the analysis of the larger body of your data and develop new ideas.

Make sure the Keyword Group node in the database tree is fully expanded.  Click the + or triangle next to Keywords, then the + or triangle next to name of the keyword group you wish to add to.

Drag-and-drop option:  Drag a Keyword and drop it on a Clip in a Collection in the database tree.  Transana displays a dialog box asking you to confirm that you want to add the keyword. Click Yes.

Right-click option:  Right-click a Keyword and select Copy from the popup menu. Then right-click a Clip in a Collection in the Database Tree. Select the Paste option from the resulting menu.  Transana displays a dialog box asking you to confirm that you want to add the keyword. Click Yes.

You can add a Keyword to all the items in a Collection by pasting or dropping the Keyword on the Collection. Drag or copy the Keyword onto a Collection to ensure that all of the Quotes and Clips in that Collection include that keyword. Note that items that already have the Keyword will not be changed because of this duplication.

You can also add Keywords to Documents, to PDF Documents, to Episodes, and to all items in a Library using copy-and-paste or drag-and-drop within the Database tab of the Data Window. Finally, you can copy multiple Keywords to paste as a group, or can select multiple items in a Collection for the paste action.

You may wish to edit or delete a Keyword associated with a data selection. Note the Keywords tab in the Data Window. This tab displays a list of Keywords associated with the Document, PDF Document, Episode, Quote, or Clip that is loaded in the Transana main interface, and allows you to edit or delete associated Keywords as needed.

Click the Keywords tab in the Data Window. Transana shows the Keywords associated with your loaded data item.


Right-click anywhere on the tab and choose Edit from the pop-up menu (see right) and Transana will open the Edit Keyword List dialog box.

If the Keyword Group you want is not already listed in the Keywords box, select the Keyword Group, then double-click the a keyword to add it to the data item. Click OK if you added the Keyword, Cancel if you did not.

Transana also allows you to add or delete Keywords in the Properties dialog box that is associated with each Document, Episode, Quote, Clip, or Snapshot.

Use the database tree in the Data Window. Follow these directions to add a Keyword to an Episode:

  1. Right-click an Episode in a Library and choose Episode Properties from the pop-up menu.
  2. In the dialog box that appears, click on a Keyword Group in the field labeled Keyword Group. Then double-click a Keyword in the field labeled Keyword to add it to the Episode. You should see the <Keyword Group : Keyword> pair appear in the Episode Keywords box to signal that the Keyword has been added to the Episode. Click OK when you are done.
  3. The Episode Keyword Propagation dialog box appears. When you add Keywords to Documents and Episodes, you are defining default Keywords for the data item. Therefore, Transana asks if you want to add those Keywords to all of the Quotes or Clips already created from that item. Thus, you can use this method to add a new Keyword to all Quotes or Clips taken from a source Document or Episode, regardless of what Collections those data items reside in.
  4. You can delete a Keyword that isn’t useful by right-clicking it in its Keyword Group in the Database Tree and selecting Delete Keyword from the menu. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog. This will remove this Keyword from the database, removing it from all Documents, Episodes, Quotes, Clips, and Snapshots it has been applied to.

Remember to edit your analytic memos as you make these coding changes. In each appropriate Note, add a date/time stamp and an explanation of the coding changes performed for each data object within Transana.