Transana Multiuser puts the powerful features of Transana Professional
into the hands of research teams.
Collaborate while you independently transcribe, code and analyze from anywhere! You will always have the latest synchronized and updated analytic data. Use our internal communications tools to chat with colleagues in real time, and post messages and discussions for the whole team. Price includes one copy of Transana on macOS or Windows for each member of your team working together on one collaborative research project.
USD $895
Sharing Data In Real Time
Transana Multiuser allows all of your users to work within a single database, analyzing the same set of data collaboratively from anywhere on Earth with a live internet connection. Transcripts, Clips, Quotes, Snapshots and coding are updated for all users instantly.
Data Storage and Retrieval to Optimize Efficiency
1) Each research team member has a copy of the Transana Multiuser software, configured to access the correct database.
2) All still image, audio and video files are shared through networking at each research location.
3) A single Transana database, stored on the Transana Server, is shared with all the registered users on the research team. This database contains:
- All Libraries, Documents, Episodes, Transcripts, Collections, Quotes, Clips, Keywords, Codes, Notes, etc.
- All text data, including the contents of Documents and Transcripts.
The Transana Message Server synchronizes all copies of Transana Multiuser that are connected to the same data.
Storage and File Transfer
Your raw media files – the video, audio, and still image files in your data collection – are not stored on your Transana server, whether you set up your own or subscribe to the Transana Cloud Service. You will keep those available on your own computer or local network, as will each member of your research team. Video files, in particular, are extremely large and the internet is simply not fast enough to stream video as required for analysis in Transana. As a result, each member of your collaboration needs fast access to your project’s media data files.
This mixed model for data sharing allows for the best of both worlds. Data that is frequently changed during analysis is centralized to optimize data sharing. Data that doesn’t change during analysis is distributed, allowing higher quality media files with faster access while avoiding all the problems that come with video streaming.
While Transana has secure file transfer built in, most projects find that file sharing services such as Box, DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive and iCloud are very convenient for sharing media files with colleagues. Please contact us if you have questions about file storage and sharing for use with Transana Multiuser.
The Transana Server
Transana Multiuser requires a server to handle data sharing duties. There are two options:
1 – You, with appropriate technical support and expertise from your IT department, can set up your own server and individual user accounts for it .
2 – You can subscribe to the Transana Cloud Service. We have set up and maintain a Transana server and will work with you to set up databases and user accounts on it for your research team to use.