by David Woods | Analysis, Media Files
How to Collect and Analyze Multiple Simultaneous Media Files – and why it’s worth the trouble. There are many instances when collecting data where there will be more going on at one time than we could possibly observe. A classroom can have one or more teachers...
by David Woods | Analysis, Transcription, Word Cloud, Word Frequency
Word Frequencies and Word Clouds For many qualitative researchers, looking at the specific word choices used by your research participants offers an important first step in exploring your data. You listen to or read your data over and over; you become immersed in it,...
by David Woods | Analysis, Coding, Still Images, Transcription, Writing Tools
A recent support question: I am a PhD student looking for an alternative to NVivo or Atlas.ti. In an upcoming project I will analyze a huge amount of (approximately 500 clips) of youtube videos and was wondering, which version of Transana I need – also taking into...
by David Woods | Analysis, Qualitative Research
I can’t believe this is still a question in the 2010s, but apparently it is. A few months ago, I joined a conversation on The original question: Can you recommend a software for analyzing qualitative data (interview transcripts)? A colleague of mine...
by David Woods | Analysis, Clips, Coding, Keywords, Transcription
Are Transcripts required in Transana? A recent support interaction: I am a PhD student interested in purchasing Transana, and I have a specific question about the coding of the data. I have videos of people interacting and I want to look at the attitudes as much as at...
by David Woods | Analysis, Coding, Collections, Keywords
A recent support interaction: What is the best way to open code a transcribed & segmented video? If I create collections or quick clips, they multiply to an unmanageable number and are not organized in a way where I can see how the odes are overlapping,...