Measuring Events and Timing Speakers in Video and Audio Files
During a recent Transana Webinar, two people had essentially the same question. One asked how to easily time different speakers within media data, and the other asked how to time the use of different languages within her data. They assumed they would need to put this data into statistical software or a spreadsheet so they could create reports with their results, but this is quite simple to do within Transana, creating a Collection Report using Quick Clips.
1. Load the Transcript you want to code.
2. Create a Keyword Group with Keywords for each of the categories you want to measure. For speakers, it might be “Teacher” “Student” “Researcher” and so on.
4. If you have an existing “Quick Quotes and Clips” (Professional and Multiuser) or “Quick Clips” (Basic) directory, rename it. That way, you’ll have a separate Collection for all the Clips you make for this purpose when Transana automatically creates a new Quick Clips directory.
5. Make sure there are time codes at all of the transition points you are interested in in your transcript, if you haven’t already inserted such time codes. (You can do this as a separate step, or you can add needed time codes as you go. The important point is that you’ll need Time Codes at the transition points as you progress.
7. Starting at the beginning of the Transcript, highlight the first segment you want to code. It might be the Teacher introducing the lesson, or the first speaker in German, for example.
8. Double-click the appropriate keyword, for example “Teacher” or “German”. This triggers the creation of a Quick Clip that connects the highlighted segment with the chosen keyword.
10. When you are done with the coding, rename your Quick Clips Collection to identify its function, calling it “Speaker identification” or “Language use” or whatever you think is appropriate. If you renamed an existing Quick Clips directory earlier in Step 4, you may want to rename it back to its original name for additional analytic work.
11. Now right-click the Collection you just created and choose the Collection Report. Scroll to the bottom of the report. There, you will see the Keywords you just applied, along with a count of the number of times the keyword was used and an indication of the amount of time for the segments included in each coding.